Host – The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) is a scientific and educational charitable organisation for scientists, engineers, water managers and other professionals working in the fields of groundwater resource planning, management and protection. Founded in 1956, it has grown to a world-wide membership of more than 4000 individuals. IAH is truly a world-wide association, its efforts being made through its many National Chapters, Scientific/Topic based Commissions and Networks; its international team of Council members, and its UK based Secretariat.
Our mission is to further the understanding, wise use and protection of groundwater resources throughout the world.
Congress Organising Committee

Dr Ben Hall
EarthEon, Congress Chair

Dr Elisabetta Carrara
Bureau of Meteorology

Dr Kelly-Jane Wallis
SLR Consulting

Erin McIntosh

Prof Matthew Currell
RMIT University

Prof Wendy Timms
Deakin University

Tara Taylor
Jacobs, MIEAust CPEng NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus)

Ellen Kwantes
WSP Australia, Principal Hydrogeologist

Mr Riley Nicholson
Griffith University, Bureau of Meteorology & Australian Rivers Institute